The Secret Habits of the Millionaires | The Undercover Rich

Jul 23, 2024

Last night, I had a burger and a beer with a very handsome gentleman at our local burger joint. As we chatted about him being retired and me only working because I love it, I wondered how many people at the restaurant were undercover rich. I looked around and noticed t-shirts and shorts, but not a Prada heel or bag in sight. I had on jeans that I got on sale on Amazon, an adorable shirt that I picked up at a sale in Amsterdam, a simple and cute necklace that I picked up at a sale in Italy, and sandals that I bought with a 30% off coupon at Kohls. Most undercover rich folks are masters of subtlety and surprise, so let's spill the tea on their quirky habits!

The Frugal Flex

You'd think having boatloads of cash means flaunting it, right? Wrong. These undercover rich people love hitting up thrift stores and using coupons. Seriously, they get a thrill from finding a deal. It's like a game to them. They could buy the whole store, but they'd rather score that $5 vintage jacket and brag about it. "Look at this steal!" they'll say!

Stealth Wealth Wardrobe

Forget designer logos screaming, "Look at me!" These folks dress like your average Joe, but with a twist. Their clothes are high quality and understated – think cashmere sweaters that look basic but cost more than your entire wardrobe. You might compliment their "nice" shoes, not realizing they're handcrafted Italian leather. It's like luxury incognito.

Dining Like a Local

Instead of hitting up fancy five-star restaurants, these undercover rich people love hole-in-the-wall eateries. They know the best taco trucks, hidden sushi joints, and cozy cafes. It's all about blending in and enjoying great food without the fuss. Plus, they get to feel like a local celebrity when the staff knows their usual order. "The usual?" Yeah, they're that cool. I have one bar I go to that has a Diet Coke with lime before I sit down at my table most days.

Secretly Generous

These folks are the anonymous donors behind the new school library or the mysterious benefactors leaving huge tips for struggling servers. While we're trying to figure out who Venmo'd us $5, they're quietly changing lives. Their generosity is on the down-low, making them the superheroes we didn't know we needed.

Masters of the Humblebrag

You know that friend who casually mentions their "family cabin" in Aspen? Classic undercover rich person move. They downplay their wealth with humblebrags, making it sound like they just happen to have a second home with a view of the Rockies. "Oh, this old thing? Just a little getaway spot." Sure, Jan.

The DIY Kings and Queens

Why pay someone to fix the sink when you can watch a YouTube tutorial and do it yourself? Undercover rich people love tackling DIY projects. It's not about saving money; it's about the satisfaction of doing it themselves. Their toolkits are more advanced than a Home Depot aisle, and they've probably built a few of their own furniture pieces. Meanwhile, we're over here struggling to put together an IKEA chair.

Traveling on the DL

Forget first-class flights and luxury resorts. They're booking budget airlines and staying in Airbnbs that are all about character over cost. You'd never guess they're exploring the world on a whim, hopping from one quirky destination to another without drawing attention. We're going to Seattle in a few weeks for a wedding, and rather than staying in the luxury resort by the venue, I booked a small house on the main street of a nearby town to explore a new town!

The Unassuming Car

There are no flashy sports cars here. They're driving reliable, low-key vehicles that don't scream, "I'm loaded." Think Toyotas and Hondas, maybe a well-maintained classic car. They love the stealth mode of cruising around without turning heads. I drive a new Ford Bronco, but it was the dealer demo model from the prior year. I bought it with 2,000 miles on it and 0% financing. I'm still smiling from the bargain that I negotiated on it!

Final Thoughts

Undercover rich people have mastered the art of living well without flaunting it. They find joy in the simple things, like a good bargain, a great meal, or a DIY project well done. While they could be living large, they choose to blend in and keep their wealth on the down-low.

So next time you see someone casually mentioning their "family cabin" or rocking a killer thrift store find, you might just be in the presence of undercover wealth. Keep living your best life, and who knows? Maybe you'll pick up a few stealthy rich habits along the way.

Now, who's up for some taco truck tacos?