How can I get rich quick? I need money asap!

Jun 11, 2024
Get rich money tips

How can I get rich quick is a question that I get A LOT!

The answer is always that it depends! When someone asks how to get rich quickly, I always ask the following questions:

What is your definition of rich?

What is your definition of quick?

How hard are you willing to work?

How much are you starting with?

Anyone who tells you you can get rich quickly without asking you these questions is gaslighting you.

Let's face the facts. Money probably isn't going to fall from the sky, and your chances of winning the lottery are pretty slim (although I still play when the jackpot gets enormous, just in case).

Most people build wealth through smart financial decisions (like investing in your company's 401k), stocks, buying assets (like a house), and time.

I've found that people who feel financially secure do so over time by listening to and talking to experts, not going into credit card debt, and investing wisely. They typically have a long-term plan that they reasonably follow, and they all have patience, discipline, and willingness to take calculated risks.

So it's true, you probably can't get rich quick, but the actions you take today are going to decide if you are going to be rich in the future, or not at all. 

So what will you decide? 

xoxo Rich mom