Surviving Student Loans: A Guide to Dodging Financial Doom

student loans Jul 03, 2024

Surviving Student Loans: A Guide to Dodging Financial Doom (With a Smile)

Alright, gather 'round girls. Let's talk about that elephant in the room – student loans. Yep, those pesky payments that show up like clockwork every month, reminding us of those “glory days” spent in lecture halls and ramen noodle-fueled study sessions. But fear not! Here’s a lighthearted guide to handling those student loans like a pro. 

Take out your notes app or pen & paper and let's get into it! 


Step 1: Face the Beast

First things first – take a deep breath and look at that loan statement. No, really. Stop avoiding it like it’s your ex’s Instagram stories. Knowing how much you owe is the first step in kicking your debt to the curb.


Step 2: Budget Like a Boss

Time to channel your inner financial guru. Create a budget that balances your loan payments with, you know, food and rent. Use apps like Mint or YNAB (You Need A Budget) – they’re like Pokémon Go but for your money. Track your spending and see where you can cut back. Do you really need that avocado toast every morning? (Okay, maybe sometimes you do. It’s a balance.)


Step 3: Choose Your Repayment Plan

Federal loans come with a buffet of repayment plans. Standard, graduated, income-driven – it’s like choosing a Netflix show, but way more important. Pick the one that suits your financial situation best. Income-driven plans can lower your payments based on your income, which is great if you’re still working your way up the corporate ladder.


Step 4: Consider Refinancing

If your interest rates are higher than your hopes and dreams, refinancing might be a good option. This can lower your interest rate and save you money in the long run. Just be sure to compare lenders and read the fine print. You don’t want to end up in a worse situation.


Step 5: Extra Payments (When You Can)

Throwing extra money at your loans can make a big difference. Even an extra $20 a month can save you a bunch in interest. Got a tax refund, a work bonus, or a surprise $50 from Grandma? Throw it at your loans and watch that balance shrink.


Step 6: Side Hustle Power

Channel your inner entrepreneur and pick up a side hustle. Freelancing, dog walking, selling your old clothes on Depop – every extra dollar helps. Plus, it’s a great way to discover hidden talents (who knew you were so good at crocheting llama-themed hats?).


Step 7: Celebrate Small Wins

Paid off a loan? Managed to make extra payments for three months straight? Celebrate! Not necessarily with a trip to Bali (unless you’re super financially savvy), but treat yourself to something nice. Positive reinforcement works, even with finances.


Step 8: Stay Informed

Student loan policies change, and you want to stay in the know. Follow financial news, join forums, and keep an eye out for any forgiveness programs or new repayment plans. Knowledge is power, my friend.


Step 9: Don’t Stress Too Much

Remember, you’re not alone. Millions of Millennials are in the same boat. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes, but don’t let it consume you. Stay positive, keep chipping away at those loans, and remember that this too shall pass.


Step 10: Have Fun!

Life isn’t all about paying off debt. Make sure to enjoy the journey. Spend time with friends, pursue your passions, and don’t forget to laugh. Because laughter is free, and we could all use a little more of it.

So there you have it – a girls guide to managing student loans without losing your sanity (or your sense of humor). Now go forth and conquer those debts, one payment at a time!