Your Rich Mom & Daughter are here to help you reach your financial goals, in the most fun and easy to understand way!


We are Mackenzie & Beth

We are SO excited to be using our many years of experience to help women achieve their dream finances, wherever they are at on their financial journey!

Whether you need help in investing, accountability, retirement, or your money mindset, we got you!

Financial Habits

Financial literacy means good financial habits. We can help you!

Investing 101

Use the stock market to your advantage with our proven investing framework.

Money Mindset

Conquer your money mindset to achieve your financial dreams.

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Mackenzie's Story

I've always had big dreams of travel, entrepreneurship, and living BIG! Growing up, I always understood from my mom that in order to achieve what I want out of life I would need money and be able to use it to my advantage (makes sense!).

However, I didn't quite listen and found myself thousands of dollars in debt, with no savings, investments, or retirement. I couldn't do the things I wanted to do, but I did have one thing, the digital marketing & project management skills to bring my mom's knowledge to the world!

We decided to partner together so women don't make the same mistakes that I did, and to learn from the financial master herself, my mom! 

Beth's Story


Beth has gone from flunking out of one college and almost flunking out another to being financially independent and having a doctorate in accounting!  She is excited to share her story with you and teach you about building wealth and financial independence!

"Working with Beth has changed my life. I’m only 2 months away from debt-free!"

- Martina Marino

"Last year, I was 49 with no retirement savings. Thanks to Mackenzie & Beth, I’m now financially on track."

- Sandra Bayaud

"From buried in debt to living the life of my dreams, Thank you, Riley!"

- Susan Forelli

Why We Do It

Financial literacy is not taught enough in our education system, which is such a missed opportunity. Not only that, as women we are already disadvantaged as so much of the information online is geared and taught by men, making us women feel misunderstood and disadvantaged in our financial lives. 

We are on a mission so that every woman feels financially empowered to take the reigns of her financial well-being, and master her finances so she can achieve her goals. Whether that's to retire early, build generational wealth, become an entrepreneur, or quit your job to travel the world, rich mom is there to hold your hand every step of the way. You got this!


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